Service Electrocasnice

Programari online pentru reparatii electrocasnice. Descrieti problema si noi o rezolvam!


Oferim service pentru o gama variata de electrocasnice de branduri multiple.

black and gray blender
black and gray blender

Reparam orice tip de electrocasnic defect. Echipa noastra de tehnicieni profesionisti este pregatita sa rezolve orice problema.

Oferim servicii de mentenanta periodica pentru a preveni defectiunile si a asigura o functionare optima a aparatelor dumneavoastra.

a white computer tower
a white computer tower
man in brown and white plaid dress shirt and yellow hard hat holding black and orange
man in brown and white plaid dress shirt and yellow hard hat holding black and orange


Programati-va acum pentru o reparatie sau mentenanta a aparatului dumneavoastra.

a washer and dryer sitting next to each other
a washer and dryer sitting next to each other


Contact us for more information or appointments